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出版社 秋本 治
ページ数 141ページ

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Faster, Higher, Farther: The Inside Story of the Volkswagen Scandal

出版社 Jack Ewing
ページ数 185ページ

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Inside story of the Volkswagen emissions scandal - CBS News
The biggest factor that separates the Volkswagen emissions scandal from other corporate scandals is that "money wasn't the motivation," according to author and New ...
Inside VW’s Campaign of Trickery - The New York Times
This article is adapted from “Faster, Higher, Farther: The Volkswagen Scandal” by Jack Ewing, the European economics correspondent for The New York ...
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Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead (MIT Press)

出版社 Hod Lipson, Melba Kurman
ページ数 175ページ

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Autonomous car - Wikipedia
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ページ数 145ページ

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Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach

出版社 Hal R. Varian
ページ数 189ページ

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Microeconomics - Wikipedia
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Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century (International Political Economy Series)

S. Cornelissen, F. Cheru, T. Shaw
ページ数 145ページ

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JSTOR: Viewing Subject: Political Science
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Historical Wines: A Marketing Concept to Promote Portuguese Wines

出版社 Ferreirinho Correia Claudio
ページ数 160ページ

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Wine - Wikipedia
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Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work

出版社 Liz Wiseman
ページ数 166ページ

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Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work

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出版社 手塚治虫
ページ数 141ページ

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Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World

出版社 Rutger Bregman
ページ数 105ページ

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The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies

Jeff Cummings
出版社 Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee
ページ数 157ページ

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The Second Machine Age The new book by Erik Brynjolfsson ...
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Human Knowledge: Foundations and Limits
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Machine, Platform, Crowd with Erik Brynjolfsson - YouTube
How do we build a future that doesn’t leave humans behind? Erik Brynjolfsson, co-author of Machine, Platform, Crowd argues that ‘deep learning ...
Second Industrial Revolution: The Technological Revolution ...
The Second Industrial Revolution was a time of growth and innovation. So interesting! Let's see what was invented in this time and how it affected mankind.
Energy and the Human Journey: Where We Have Been; Where We ...
The table below presents an abbreviated geologic time scale, with times and events germane to this essay. Please refer to a complete geologic time scale when this ...
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Innovations in digitization, analytics, artificial intelligence, and automation are creating performance and productivity opportunities for business and the economy ...
Victorian era - Wikipedia
In the history of the United Kingdom, the Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria's reign, from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901.
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The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies